BlueWhale RS-232 dump utility

Easy-to-use utility for dumping data from instruments equipped with RS-232 output is available for download. At this moment, the utility is provided for free.

System requirements:

Windows XP/Vista/7 32 or 64 bit or Linux 2.6
1 COM port (RS-232) or RS-232 USB adapter with functional drivers for the given system installed
Sun Java JRE 1.6 or newer (available at

Installation instructions:

Unpack all files to a dedicated folder at the destination computer.

Operation on a Windows computer:

1. Connect instrument to the appropriate COM port.
2. Run rs232dump.bat.
3. Select proper port and adjust communication parameters.
4. Click “Browse” button to select destination file.
5. Click “Start dump” button.
6. Start dump in the connected instrument.
7. Program shows transfer progress. Wait until all data are transferred.
8. Click “Stop” button to stop transfer and close destination file.
9. Repeat steps 4-8 when needed.
10. Close program window.

Important note:

Software clears the destination file when “Start dump” is pressed.

Linux users can run the following command at the installation folder:

java -jar Rs232Dump.jar

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