3.3. Understanding loop reports

Detailed report can be generated for any resolved loop, i.e. loop in one of the following states: Loop partially solvedLoop partially solved or Loop SOLVEDLoop SOLVED

To generate report for a loop, click the "View report" button at the header line of the Loop window.

3.3.1. Loop report structure

Generated report looks similarly to the output presented at the example.

Example 3.1. Loop report of the Loop #1 of the Survey example sample project.

Loop report consists of the following parts:


Description of the project and loop and list of the most important processing parameters.

Loop closure processing

Table of all enabled readings within the loop. Base and repeated readings are marked in the Remarks column of the table.

Stations results summary

Data from all stations affected by the loop are summarized in this table. Printed columns can be selected in the Output and reporting tab of the Project Properties dialog.

3.3.2. Printing Loop report

To print the loop report:

  1. With loop report window open and selected, select File - Print from the main menu. Print Preview window will be opened.

  2. Click the Print options button and adjust printed page layout. You can check influence of the changes in the Print Preview window. Press the Apply or OK button to refresh the preview.


    Tick the "Fit width to: 1 page" selection to avoid horizontal splitting of the report.

  3. Press Print button. Your operating system printer dialog will appear for print finalization.

3.3.3. Saving and exporting Loop report

To save loop report in HTML format:

  1. Right-click the opened report to save.

  2. Select the "Save report" option.

  3. Choose name and location for the report.

Stations results from each report can be exported in CSV or ASCII format.

To export stations data from a loop report:

  1. Right-click the report to export stations data from.

  2. Depending on required format, select "Export (ASCII)" or "Export (CSV)" context menu item.

  3. Select name and location for the exported data file.


Right-click project item in the Projects window and select "Export results (CSV)" to export all data from the entire project into a single file.