When a map is opened, Palette window is opened in addition to the map plot window containing graphical tools for map parameters adjustment.
Selection of tools available in the Palette window depends on type of the currently selected map.
![]() | Caution |
Palette tools affect currently selected map window. It is recommended to leave a single map window opened only at any moment to avoid confusion or inproper function of the tools. |
In the following sections, available palette tools are described.
Defines basic parameters of the map:
When checked (default), the map is automatically adjusted to fit the main window. Resizing of the main window resizes the map accordingly. This setting is suitable for on-screen map presentation.
When unchecked, map scale can be explicitly set by other settings.
When Auto fit is not checked, controls real map size when printed or saved.
When checked, gravity base stations are completely excluded from the plotted data.
When checked, stations with no gravity readings are included into stations map. Can be useful for survey planning purposes.
Click Replot map after change to save new parameters and replot the map.
Save map in PNG format.
Defines how stations are plotted.
Toggle show/hide stations names (labels). Select size and color of the labels. The text "MyStation" demonstrate label appearance when settings change.
Adjust shape, size and color of the station symbol. When Show symbols box is not checked, no station symbols are drawn.
When ready with adjusting station parameters, press Replot map to save changes and apply the settings on the map.
This palette is named according to the name of the contour layer, e.g. Complete Bouguer anomaly. Not every contour layer contains all tools.
Show or hide the color scale bar.
If line width is not correct in the color scale bar, uncheck Automatic contour interval in the Contours tool, replot the map and check it back. This will fix the problem.
This tool allows to set contours parameters. When Automatic contour interval is checked, Contour interval and Label interval are set automatically based on current data values.
Contour lines and contour labels are plotted with the same color.
This tool controls parameters of grid layer creation.
Defines grid step in meters. Value of -1 means automatic determination of the grid step.
Small grid step can cause out of memory errors or very long time needed for gridding. Large grid step leads to rough map.
Two gridding methods are supported in this version of the software, Inverse Distance and Minimum Curvature.
Inverse distance gridding is simple and fast while Minimum curvature method leads to nicer and smoother maps, but is much slower. In addition, result of the Inverse distance gridding is used as the starting model for Minimum curvature iterations.
Usually, Inverse distance gridding is used for fast preview while Minimum curvature parameters are fine-tuned at the final stage of processing to prepare maps for results presentation.
Exponent used for Inverse distance gridding.
Maximum radius for the Inverse distance method. Stations with distance greater than maximum radius from the gridding point are excluded from computation.
In addition, maximum radius value is used to mask grid layer. Any grid point for which no station falls into maximum radius threshold is masked from plotting.
Maximum number of stations included into Inverse Distance gridding for each point in ascending distance order.
When Minimum Curvature gridding reaches the given number of iterations, computation stops.
When squared sum of curvatures for the current iteration step of the Minimum curvature gridding drops below the given threshold, computation stops.
When checked, Predictive gridding feature is activated for Minimum curvature procedure. In some cases, predictive gridding gives better results, but is less stable than regular gridding.
When checked, map is repeatedly replotted after the given number of minimum curvature iterations. This can help to assess whether increasing of number of iterations can improve gridding results.
Press Regrid data button to start gridding.
Minimum curvature gridding can take long time. Gridding in progress can be interrupted by pressing the red square displayed with the corresponding progress bar.