Development version

This page describes how to use the development version of the software. Development versions of various software modules are made available to the public prior the final version is released.

When the version 0.7 of the software was released, further development of the new functionalities was frozen in this release and updates were provided for serious bug fixes only. New development branch 0.8 was sat up and all new features were added to the 0.8.x versions of modules. When a particular improvement was finished, new module was made available in the Development version.

Development versions of the software modules can be unstable and can possibly cause improper functionality of the software. It is not recommended to make the production environment critically dependent of new features introduced in the Development version.

Current Development version installers can be downloaded here:

Both, stable version and Development version of the software can be installed simultaneously at the same system.

When you open/create and save your project in the BlueWhaleProcessing version 0.8, the project structure is changed and the project can’t be opened in the older versions anymore. It is recommended to make a backup copy of the project before it was opened with the Development version.